Morbi vitae purus dictum, ultrices tellus in, gravida lectus.

Florida State Fair CattleWomen’s Beef Promotion Booth

Please join Florida CattleWomen, as we participate with other commodities of Florida, in the Ag Hall of Fame Building promoting the Beef Industry.  The Florida State Fair begins on Thursday, February 6th and concludes on Monday, February 17th of 2020. During that time the Florida CattleWomen will be actively promoting the many benefits of beef through consumption and beef by-products.  Each county CattleWomen’s Association dedicates a day during the fair to work at the Florida CattleWomen’s promotions booth, sharing beef samples, beef education information, and most importantly sharing “Our Beef Story” to the many visitors at the fair.  A county sign-up will be circulating to all counties to sign up, to make a day your day to share your “Beef Story.”  Don’t be left out!  Come join us.  If your county does not have a county CattleWomen’s Association, please do not let that deter you from participating.  Please reach out and let us know you would like to volunteer.  We would love to have you join us.

Casie Holloway
Florida CattleWomen