I wanted to mark this Sunday, our last Sunday of 2019 and this decade, with a shout-out to a young lady who is a true Woman in Ranching. Everyone’s friend and the one you would want with you when the chips are down, Kara Nathe McCarty.

I have people that ask me all the time, “What does a CattleWoman do?”. Well Kara is the true definition of a CattleWoman. She works sun-up to sun-down, working cattle and the land. She can maneuver a cow trailer better than most men. She can repair a fence with a screwdriver, and capture a cow using her body as a directional device. She knows all kinds of uses for baby wipes, other than on your children. She is known to rattle a pan in the kitchen, fixing something good. Kara, knows how to make the floorboard of a cab of the tractor a place to get homework completed by her children, as she is moving around hay.
What stands out about Kara is her passion for this industry. Her desire to teach and instill the love for this industry into young women. Between working on the ranch and being the good Mama Kara always is, in the last couple of weeks Kara found the thirty minutes to an hour, here and there, to pursue this trophy buck she was able to harvest Christmas morning, all by herself, just her and God. What a Christmas Present! For all the sportswomen and men out there, Kara’s buck had 14 score-able points, 16.5 inside spread, and scored 127 & 6/8. Kara harvested her Christmas Present in one of her pastures in Pasco County.
Kara is a mentor to many young CattleWomen wanting to get involved in the cattle industry. Kara Nathe McCarty is the definition of what a CattleWoman is and does.
By being yourself, you put something wonderful in the world that was not there before. ~Edwin Elliot
Casie Holloway
Florida CattleWomen